Square and rectangular tubes are cold rolled and welded along their length. 

Rectangle Tubing is commonly used in structural applications, frame work, and other fabrication and construction projects. Bar shapes are commonly higher than stainless tubes that is why it is more practical for use in production where weight is very important.

Wall thickness
1,0 1,2 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 4,0 5,0 6,0
12 x 12 0,358 0,415 0,508
15 x 15 0,453 0,538 0,661
16 x 16 0,485 0,576 0,709 0,920
20 x 20 0,613 0,729 0,900 1,175
25 x 25 0,772 0,921 1,140 1,494 1,846 2,179
30 x 30 0,932 1,112 1,379 1,813 2,222 2,645
35 x 35 1,091 1,303 1,618 2,132 2,629 3,118
40 x 40 1,251 1,495 1,857 2,451 3,036 3,602 4,708
45 x 45 1,410 1,686 2,097 2,770 3,433 4,081 5,309
50 x 50 1,570 1,878 2,336 3,089 3,818 4,559 5,960
60 x 60 2,814 3,727 4,607 5,516 7,222
70 x 70 3,293 4,365 5,408 6,473 8,504
80 x 80 3,771 5,003 6,203 7,430 9,807 12,095
100 x 100 4,728 6,279 7,918 9,343 12,358 15,322 18,236
120 x 120 7,555 11,257 14,910 18,512 22,064
Wall thickness
1,0 1,2 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 4,0 5,0 6,0
20 x 10 0,453 0,538 0,661
20 x 15 0,533 0,634 0,781
25 x 15 0,613 0,729 0,900 1,175
30 x 10 ,613 0,729 0,900
30 x 15 0,693 0,825 1,020 1,335
30 x 20 0,772 0,921 1,140 1,494
35 x 20 0,852 1,017 1,259 1,654
40 x 15 0,852 1,017 1,259 1,654
40 x 20 0,926 1,112 1,379 1,813
40 x 30 1,091 1,303 1,618 2,132 2,661 3,156
50 x 20 1,091 1,303 1,618 2,132
50 x 25 1,399 1,738 2,292
50 x 30 1,251 1,495 1,857 2,451
50 x 40 1,686 2,097 2,770 3,412 4,081
60 x 20 1,495 1,857 2,451
60 x 30 1,686 2,097 2,770 3,412 4,081
60 x 40 1,878 2,336 3,089 3,819 4,559 5,960
80 x 40 2,261 2,814 3,727 4,600 5,516 7,222
80 x 60 3,293 4,365 5,408 6,473 8,504
100 x 40 3,293 4,365 5,408 6,473 8,504
100 x 50 3,532 4,684 5,790 6,952 9,115 11,268
100 x 60 3,771 5,003 7,430 9,807 12,095
120 x 40 5,003 7,430 9,807
120 x 60 5,642 8,387 11,083 13,728 16,324
120 x 80 6,279 9,343 12,358 15,322 18,236
150 x 50 6,279 9,343 12,358 15,322 18,236

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